About Us

We are always at the forefront of providing Audiological Services, Hearing Aids, Noise Protection Devices, Tinnitus Therapy Devices and Instruments aim to minimize or prevent the negative impact of hearing impairment on speech and language acquisition; academic achievement; social/emotional development; limitations in career opportunities; daily social activities etc at all stages of life.

The firm AUDIO MEDICAL DEVICES LTD. in 1996, registered in Nigeria under the companies and Allied Matters Act 0f 1990 (Registration Number RC 300208) to manufacture Audiological instruments and to provide expert services in Audiology and Audiology instrumentation.

Our series of customized hearing aids/devices will help the hearing impaired to regain hearing while children in schools for the deaf that has residual hearing will benefit from our powerful digital hearing system.  Such children will gradually learn the language and will be integrated into normal schools.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to provide for all Hearing Impaired in Nigeria and beyond Excellent High-Quality Durable Hearing Aids and Audiological Services at affordable prices. We will go the extra mile professionally to surpass customers’ expectations.

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